Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

Lets Cooking: Spaghetti

Hallo everyone, who always come to visit my blog.
I just got strange why my blog Visiting become so adorable. May be it because i have been joining Blog English Club  . This is week, so many view from Singapore. Before Indonesia only.

Ok back to my topic. I wanna to share, how i cook
spaghetti. I got recipe from my friend. We practiced it in my friend, So it is easy.

Ok the ingredient for sauce:
1. onion, garlic , and big onion (bawang bombay)
2. beef ( i used corned beef), u can change it with chicken fillets
3. tomato
4. water
5. salt or sugar
6. tomato sauce : i used belibis brand
7. chili sauce : up to you

ok step by step:
1. prepare hot oil , u can add garlic, onion, and big onion ( one by one)
2. after that add corned, wait until corned already
3. and add tomato
4. give water
5. give salt and sugar
6. give tomato sauce
7. ok wait until tomato become sauce
8. and the water also boil

ok don't forget to  boil the spagetthi

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