Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Tie dye

Beautiful sunday. ya many people go to wedding party this is day or dating with boyfriend. But i also have beautiful sunday as my version ;) . Look this is pic. i love it. give color in fabric. So nice , experience with color.

or u can see the tutorial at Youtube :)
i get it from cant download :(  oneday i will try it with wantek ( for coloring the fabric)
its also call by tye die, shibori in Japan.

so nice to see tie dye tutorial.  now tie dye fashion is popular . i see girl that using hijab also use it. So cool :).
i need the die, white fabric, and getting experiment :).
by the way , my friends wedding parrty this is day. so the party in the night. Can not wait it. to see her with white dress.

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komen donk :)


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