Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

OS buat bahan-bahan Craft

Ngak aneh ya denger online shop jadi-jadian nah posting kali ini mau posting tentang  os atau online shop buat pernak-pernik buat craft yang insyaallah terpecaya deh, jikalau disekitar tempat kita tidak tersedia barang-barang pendukung pembuatan craft kita bisa beli online saja. Nah dulu saya ini ngak keluar kemana-mana alias di rumah saja jadi waktu memulai hobby  nge-craft saya bingung daripada minat dan hobby tidak tersalurkan jadi saya beli via online shop saja.
ok let see my online shop list

  1. Nah ini Toko bernama  Tokokainflannel    nah toko ini terpercaya dari komentar orang-orang yang membeli akhirnya saya putuskan untuk membeli semua warna kain flannel dalam ukuran kecil sama dakron yang lagi promosi saat itu dan lain-lainlah saya lupa karena beli beberapa pernak-pernik craft saat itu.
  2. Toko kedua adalah GOODTHINKS ini tokonya di facebook. Nah kalo toko yang ini jualan buku-buku craft Jepang dan ada juga sih beberapa yang barang-barang pendukung craft. Berhubung nie import waduh bloss deh kantong saya tapi buku-buku craft Jepangnya bikin ngiler *ngencesdah* . nah ini dia buku yang saya beli Handbag designer  kebetulan bukan buku Jepang tapi tersedia di Os nya. Mbak pemiliknya rada lama jawabannya kalau komentar di foto. Coba deh di Inbox lebih cepat. Kalau barangnya masih di Jepang kita harus ikut PO dulu. Tenang ongkirnya ngak terlalu mahal. 
  3. Yang ketiga  ini sepertinya toko craft yang banyak cabangnya salah satunya di Indonesia. Barang-barangnya banyak tapi bukunya tidak seluas pilihan di GOODTHINKS tapi untuk peralatan hummmm coba aja buka nie toko juga bikin ngiler peralatan craftnya banyak-banyak banget yang suka puncher-puncher coba deh dibuka. Saya sudah beli buku disana, nah ini dia bukunya  nah ini dia bukunya, tapi jangan aneh ya di smartyhands kadang balasan emailnya pakai nama yang punya kali ya jadi rada kagok sebelumnya.
nah Yang ke -4 tips-tips toko online yang bisa diteliti terlebih dahulu sebelum kita membeli dari sana
  1. Biasanya Os yang terpecaya selalu mengirimkan recap dalam bentuk email orderan kita
  2. Adanya komentar-komentar dari pembeli sebelumnya
  3. Ada blog-blog tertentu yang memuat cerita pengalaman belanja mereka disana
  4. biasanya ada nomor pengiriman barang dari jasa pengiriman
baru segitu sih yang saya ketahui :) mau ditambahkan silahkan                                                                                                                             

Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

flannel pencil case

order dari anak-anak smp, sejauh ini baru bisa yang simple-simple doank
warning: melihat gambar ini membuat anda pegal-pegal dileher

orderan ini udah selesai dari kemaren-kemaren hari moga anak-anak smp menyukainya :) huff kalao udah akhir tahun baru nyesel deh posting-postingnya sedikit :) moga bisa posting-postiing lagi. 
kalo lagi dapet orderan biasa bilang dalam hati wuiss nikmat Allah mana lagi yang engkau dustakan. 

Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

craft in the night

Membuat sesuatu yang kita butuhkan, craft juga bisa dimulai dengan membuat sesuatu yang kita butuhkan sendiri di rumah. kadangkala jatuhnya lebih mahal tapi ada kepuasan sendiri. Lagi baca buku The cashflow quadrantnya Robert T. Kiyosaki yang ngak tamat-tamat dari kemaren. Kadang temen sampe bilang mbak-mbak kok ngak selesai-selesai. Saya akui menikmati dan mencoba mencerna apa yang disampaikan dibuku ini jadi bacanya dibolak-balik lagi berhubung ini buku perpustakaan jadi otomatis ngak ada pembatas bukunya. Iseng-iseng kenapa ngak buat pembatas buku aja sayang bukunya kalau dilipat-lipat. So nice day made something that i need. Saya sendiri kadang aneh perasaan bahagia itu muncul melepaskan sesak di dada kalau udah buat-buat something gitu rasanya puas, mungkin rada lebay memang hobby itu tidak bisa dipungkirin membuat kita tenggelam.

Note: merasah bersalah banget ngak posting-posting di blog, mumpung ada waktu n tenaga.

Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

bingkisan kado

berbagi kadang kala mempunyai keasikan sendiri. Jangan takut kalau kita menjadi miskin dengan berbagi. berbagi bingkisan atau membantu dengan uang apa aja dech, akan memiliki kebahagian tersendiri. Kalau kamu merasa sedih berbagilah dengan orang lain bukan kesedihan beri bantuaan apa aja. Entah ini bisa dibilang terapi atau enggak. Membuat kerajinan tangan ataupun berbagi bantuan peduli kepada yang lain itu salah satu sarana untuk menghilangkan stress. Nah berbagi lebih indah kalau bungkusnnya juga indah, nah kemarin sore my aunty minta bungkusi kado buat baby tetangga. Welcome baby.
setelah cari tutorial sana-sini jadilah bungkusan ini ala honeyhoneysweety :D
welcome baby gift
fotonyA PAKE hp rada buram
Beli punch di pasar malabar murah meriah 14 ribuan, maksud hati untuk mencoba di flannel tapi ngak bisa ngak setajam yang diperkirakan. Tapi kalau bicara mengenai bungkusan sepertinya mesti dikira-kira kalau menggunakan jasa pengiriman, harus lebih rapat kalau ini kan tetangga jadi ngak apa-apa kalau mau mencoba-coba kreasi . happy life happy crafting . 

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Craft book

Hiiiiiii,hari senin bagaimana hasilnya??? Menyenangkan, biasa saja, atau terasa lebih panjang??? 
Bicara tentang craft book, saya mungkin yang hobby ngumpulin tapi minim karya.  Suka sama buku kerajinan mana pun baik itu  buku kerajinan indonesia maupun buku kerajinan tangan luar. Kalau sekarang yg booming buku kerajinan tangan jepang. Kekurangannya buku jepang tulisannya itu loh tp cara mereka menjelaskan  cara-cara membuatnya tampak jelas. So bagi kamu yang mau beli buku craft jepang boleh dicoba tp.harganya itu loh menusuk hati dan jantung. Hhhaaaaa. Tp buku craft kita juga bagus. Karya-karya sang penulis yang bisa dijadikan inspirasi, biasanya akan ada tutorialnya juga. Yang mau gratis tutorial bisa dari di  Google.

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012


hello friendsss
missing my blog so much. little busy with activity but i m happy. thanks Allah make my life more colorful . i have new thing from honey-honeysweety handmade


life is colorful sometime smile, sometime angry and other times sad. i just remember when Allah give me something i don't like but any secret behind that. oke come to my facebook if u wanna order this is keychain
add me or contact me or sending email or giving comment :)

Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

request again

thanks, thanks, thanks Allah
cover pillow again,
a request from my aunt's friends, for television room pillow. request come, pls come again ^^ . because she has a son, so the theme should be boy.


thanks aunty sri, ^^ 

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

cuteo bross

it is so night for writing blog. i m so happy. i will be sharing my bross or pin . so nice to find more motivation  from twitter. i know good motivation from us.
ok i have made some of flower bross. hope you likes it

sould out
if u r interested please contact me
or 085267836339
nice to share :)

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

sarung bantal

thanks Allah
special order for big pillow.
for brother

 for sister

actually i have one more item but have not started to made because i haven't ask the size.  nice for made it. ok 10% from price i will save for donate.

wanna order contact me. mau order hubungi saya ya : via my facebook or email me: or kasih komen di bawah posting ini.

Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

giveaway ideku handmade

 hai, it is nice to see success craftsman. i m joining her giveaway. hope i become one from 8 lucky . see the information in here ideku handmade . 

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

say recycling with picture


mobile case

it is very simple. i need it for my mobile. old mobile so be careful ;) . actually i wanna made tutorial but my camera got low . but it is really simple. the color is pink with love... love pattern cotton. i like yellow actually. may be next for my camera case. so they will safe in my bag that has many contents. sometime i scare water from bottle spill in my bag. yup i should keep electronic thing first . and sometime when we put the bag on the floor, we should be careful.

i don't know why it is idea come? i just wanna share happiness. i will  save money from friends who buy craft thing @50.000 i will save 5000 for help other that need. i just thinking if i m waiting until i rich . i  do not know when the times.  i know it is not games so i should keep promise it. Insyaallah.   

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

my purple pillow

hi everyone my pillow series

clik here for more pillow

or contact me

my cute owl

ok i will introduce my owl

cek here in my facebook for more owls
or contact me

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

dress for my lovely cousin

last day on May19th is my cousin's birthday . no party just cut the cake. actually as Good sister i should gift special thing. i didn't think so much what should i give to her? many my aunt gave dress for her. and i m as not creative sister . yeah made a dress.
and until this is day the dress is unfinished . i need button for the dress. and unlucky sewing shop close every sunday . poor me. hope tomorrow will finish the dress.

i look the style of dress in this is book but using my way to made the pattern. Good book .
simple and i like the book show how cutting the pattern. i was using model 11 for dress.
happy sewing and happy birthday sister :) 

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

tnt endang's pillowcase

nice to made it for her. i give flannel. i sew the name in pillowcase. Tnt Endang said to me to made 1 pillow and 2 pillowcases. u can see my pillowcase in my tutorial. i hope she will be happy with it. u can see in my tutorial tab for seeing the tutorial :) . she likes  pink actually . but she said it was ok with other fabric.


1 pillowcase with her pillow size.
u can also order it with your pillowcase and your name ;)
sending email

nice to share it with you 

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

care of your machine

what is your feeling when u got your sewing machine? or new handphone, new laptop or notebook? so happy.
i am sure, u will broken heart when it get damaged. so just care of your sewing machine.
for first step just read your machine guide book . every machine give guide book. so give times for read it.
for second step, you can do some of guide in that's book.
some guide in sewing machine:
1. clean sew machine from dust
2. clean from thread
3. sometime i give oil for machine

ya around this is times , i just do that.


Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

litlle story about my sewing class

I haven't account how long i have been in sewing class. But as long time i m enjoy it. Know about sewing, meet new friends. Share about sewing thing. it make me happy. i m a person who always easy to sad. I feel sometime why i should sad. life is wonderful. Try to get more knowledge about sew.
my sewing class started with made basic pattern. After that tried to made so many clothes. an then practical a small  part of clothes and now i m drawing a clothes how made the pattern :) . it is so wonderful for me. i know i should work hard for life. my auntie said if u want get success , work hard.
and one of motivator said
if u fall , wake up. fall again wake up again. fall in third times get wake up again. just wake up when u fall.
and one said again work hard but work very hard.
i like what they said.

my tools for made small pattern in 1:4 scale
i need 4 pen with different color : black, red, green, blue + pencil, glue, scale ruler, scissor, eraser , and paper with 3 color. so nice :)

Kamis, 26 April 2012

fish doll

i always missing my blog, sometime lost idea, and sometime fully with idea. this is week , so nice week. why ? because i did many activity. went for sewing class, went for teaching just 2 class. and went to market buy something that i need for sew. i made 2 fish dolls.
i like busy sunday full with crafting.
made this s fist remember me when i was elementary school. my teacher told me for made handmade at home. we can choose anything. and i got idea to made fish, that's time i made simple one from my mom fabric. purple fabric with small flower. happy of course. that's times i toke my grandma help for sewing in her old sewing machine. and i used glue for pattern on fabric. my grandma told me. she didn't take away the pattern.i didn't using dacron or silikon that's times . i was using kapuk ( its from plant) . and i was so pround that's time with my simple fish
and now i introduce my new fishes

if u interested with my fish 
u can contact me 
or give comment at this is posting

Selasa, 24 April 2012

Giant Pillow

totally i made 3 pillows , so happy to make it.
busy but so happy. when we do something that we like, even thought tired but finally happiness uncle helped me to took this's pictures. thanks uncle.


so long time not update my blog.
i spend last week with made 3 giant pillows :)
happy sewing 

Senin, 02 April 2012

new thread scissor

hallo everybody
hallo sewing word

ok i started this is day with went to my sewing class. not so much students come. just 2 students. i finished 3 mini dress. so happy enjoying in it. after that went to market.
something made me annoyed. i would buy dacron or silicon . and they don't have plastic bag size for that is silicon. what service it? i should go to other shop that is why i need plastic bag. how can i bring 2 kilos silicon that is without cover. after that i canceled to buy that. and go to other shop. to buy some thing but when i m at home. ohhh it is more expensive.
lesson from that's: bring bag from home :)
my new thread scissor

hope it work better than old scissor
old thread scissor

bye-bye old thread scissor. actually my old scissor now become some parts. that's why leave it. cant using well. old scissor easy get loose. not recommended.
good night every body. have a nice dream. :)

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

u should have pin cushion

hallo, nice to share with you all.
So nice day. U know as new in sewing word. sometime we don't know what should we have? ok it is about our beloved save pin. ya it is not so expensive but sometime if we don't have the place for safe it. may be we will not know one by one lost. small and easy for falling down. And it is danger for kids. and also danger for foot. so you should need pin cushion.
this is my tips to make pin cushion .
1. Don't using foam because it can make your pin become rusty
don't using it
2. Using dacron  . it is good for pin.

ok i share my pin cushion

it is dacron or silicon for other name

my artistic picture heheheh

for my save pin cushion place

ok many tutorial for make pin cushion. So u need it . ok. some day i will make beautiful and cute pin cushion. :D nice to share with you.

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

2 side bag

haiiiiiiii every body
wanna tell you about new product from me
yeayyyyyyyyyyyy 2 bag
with 2 side purple and red

u can change your bag color just in minute. ok :)
contact me in
                     or 085267836339

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

a magazine

So happy i got a magazine on last Tuesday. i joined mbak Hany Giveaway. and become one of the winners. Two winners in that's Giveaway.
New hampshire ToDo Magazine

nice with honey-honeysweety bag :)

my conversation with delivery pos man
mr.pos : Hello
me       : ya
mr.pos : 2 letters. 1 for Ms .Y ( my aunty) and 1 for Dita. Who you are?
me       : I am Dita
mr.pos : Full name
me       : dita bla..bla..
mr.pos : from america

So happy . it can help me to studying english :) . I need dictionary to read it . Found something new about other place. Imagine go there for spend vacation  :) . And the one thing made me get interested is how can people swim in pool around the snow. may be its like in hot springs.  :) happy day.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

#4 special pencil

wow, i got dizzy because confuse what should write in my blog? lost idea.  from 30 posting i have written 4  posting. it has march 8th 2012 . Idea is simple thing from. Sometime we think "oh i can make it." , "why she made it?" ,  because she made it first become a thing. why handmade different with same idea?  because every human is different.

so i will show a pencil. it can write in fabric. it help me when making line of  ' kampuh 'or hem  ( space from cutting to  pattern around 2-4 cm) . its fabric chalk. Before i was using it

and now i have new thing for help me sewing. its look like simple pencil with special function. And i have it now
actually when i saw, its for glass , leathe, cerami, metal and plactic.
So for fabric??? i don't know. But avalaible in my sewing course.
it is Joyko product PG-100

don't need sharpener because the pencil cover from paper, not same as usually pencil.

ok Happy sewing :)


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