Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

selamat hari raya idul fitri

ok i have finished 2 owls doll for my friends as a gift .  i hope she will be like it. 
 and happy ied mubarak, i scare cant write new post, so before i go to my village, i want to say happy ied mubarak.

my cousin dress

i have been sewing this dress before. i am enjoy , cos i love it. i dont know , children clothes is funny.  so i made it for my cousine, so dress use her size
i m so interested from first time when my sewing teacher said my next practice is making child dress .
we calld this dress with bebe 
anyone whose know how to made pattern clothes file. i have pattern and i want to share with other. anyone can help me?  

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

long brooch for veil

i made it , my aunty's friends told me, to made brooch for her. she wants long brooch. i hope she will like it 

look at my nail , hihihih what the black spot. hahaha i was washing motorcycle . i dont know, now i m so lazy to edited my pic.... hmmm ....i dont know my aunty's friend will like it or not. 

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

how to choose pin for sew? bagaimana cara memilih jarum pentul untuk menjahit?

long title, i will share good pin for sew.  i have some criteria to choose pin, i have 3 criteria, let see
judul yang panjang ya, saya akan berbagi jarum pentul yang baik untuk menjahit, saya mempunyai beberepa kriteria, untuk sekarang ada 3 criteria, ayao dilihat:
1. needle pin length , panjang jarum pentul
 good needle pin is longer than ordinary needle pin
panjang jarum pentul yang bagus itu lebih panjang

 2. look the color
 good one is bright color
yang bagus warnanya lebih terang
 3. sharp needle
good one is sharp needle
yang bagus itu yang lebih tajam

why we need this  criteria cos it will help us when using pin needle in fabric.  the good needles isn't easy separated with fabric 
ok its just tips from me

oh i got it from ria nirwana giveaway
so happy
when i realy need a new bag , this bag comes to me
thanks mbak ria, i use it when i go for sewing class
enjoy my days 

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

sunday with bottle : berkerasi dengan botol

how many bottle  in ur garbage? can u account ? let s recycle with bottle?
u can save ur coin. dont need buy piggy bank. u can recyle bottle. we can save money for other important think and also do recyle

its simple
just prepare bottle and flannel
if u dont have flannel, u can use paper .

berapa banyak botol-botol air mineral yang sudah kita buang di kotak sampah? mari kita gunakan lagi sebagai celengan uang receh yang kadang kala tercecer dimana-mana :) so hiasin botol dan jadi deh celengan. ngak usah beli celengan lagi .

cuman siapin botol bekas, flannel (kalo ngak ada gunain kertas) dan berkreasilah , ini mudah

good morning every body

happy sunday , yesterday was my busy day. after i joined sewing class, i went to crafiting with cemprut. so enjoy day. ok its my monkey sock doll

i will make again the doll, but should prepare  sock, simple and easy. 

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

all thing about sewing: beberapa peralatan menjahit

its some of sewing thing that u need to sew, i will tell u the basic. why i share? cos i like to share, cos as bagginer sometime don't know so much about sewing tool, hehehe, i also don't know in the first but i ask my sewing teacher and read book. oh i hope have many sewing books. ok to anyone that want to know lets continue to read this s post, and don't forget to give comment, i like to sharing  knowladge .

ok aku akan memperkenalkan peralatan menjahit, beberapa sih lain waktu dikomplitin deh kalau udah nambah lagi pengetahuannya. kadang kalang bagi pemula yang sama sekali tidak mengeri dunia jahit-menjahit bingung. tapi buat kamu yang ingin tahu, aku kasih tahu deh , gratis !

1. jarum-jaruman:
1.1 ini jarum pentol atau pentul
1.2 jarum jahit
1.3 jarum mesin, 
upss sorry ngak ada gambarnya. i m sorry i dont have the picture

 2. pensil
2.1. pensil 2 sisi biru dan merah , bisa diganti kok dengan pena biru dan merah , ini yntuk menandai pola bagian depan dan belakang, warna merah untuk pola bagian denpan, warna biru untuk pola bagian belakang.
2.2 pensil biasa dan penghapus
3. gunting-gunting
3.1 gunting kertas
3.2 gunting kain

3.3 gunting benang
4. kapur untuk kain 
5. viselin

6. turbenis

9. penggaris skala

10. meteran
12. reder

13. lem dan peruncing

14. benang 
15.kertas karbon
 ok cos i don't know the name in english , so picture can tell u that's thing. ok if u have any question , u can ask me :D .  next time i will tell u some of that's function ok 

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

lovely owl si burung hantu

i hv try so much times to made owl, its need more practice to make perfect :D. i know my owl still need creativity. not all my owl become successfully , but i still get interested with owl. not so good as other crafter . but enjoy with making craft. ok for begginer, i will share with u , gv me comment if u hv better way to made it, we can share each other.

mencoba dan mencoba buat burung hantu yang sedang tren ini, tertrik sekali lihat blogger-blogger pada buat si burung hantu, dari yang kesannya menyeramkan berubah menjadi cantik , yuk sharing-sharing.... hayu buat-buat burung hantu .
yang mau tutorial ngasal dari saya :) klik my tutorial

ok this s my tutorial . check it ok ;)


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