Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

i m happy

hihihi alhamdullilah, finally i can join sewing course, eventhought i dont know it will be finished or not. but i will try. sometime happiness can come from way that we don't know. may be other ask , why m i so happy cos joining sewing class??? other will be smile when they know i wanna join sewing course.  ya cos thats course is not popular now. if u join language course, car course, or dance course, singing course, thats more popular than sewing course. but i dont care cos i like sewing course eventhought sometime i m so tired.  i try started from 10 until 5 but so hard cos sometime didnt come early and should back at 4 pm,cos sewing course is far. its new place . so i should searching transportation. but thanks to Allah who have give me chance , my aunty and uncle who has support me,  trans citra ... hahaha who has give good transportation than other public transportation. u know just wih pay 8000 idr i get confrotable public transportation with ac :) no noisy :) than i use bus ,hot, noisy, full people. ahhhh alhamdullilah. ok yuk see what thing in my bag
this s it my first day tools
strange... cos the rules is like sword
its my first fabric , it cotton fabric, for my first project practice

its viseline, its like paper 

yey now my sewing tread is more complite :D  lebayyyy deh
buy in sewing shop is chiper that buy one buy one on subur store
ahhh i want more, hmmm human always want more : b

n my button, wahh wanna go to majecstic or tanah abang :)
when??? i dont know
they said that s place is fully with sewing tool and fabric
ngencess deh if go there :)

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

give away from Achter's First Giveaway

ok give away again
u can check in here

hurry up!!!! hehehe u will be like the giveaway :)

give away from Hayano Handmade

give away from Amelia Saga

give away from langkah kaki kami

ok my favorite quote isss

once you learn to quit , it become a habit
i got it form Ketika Cinta Bertasbi book. i was forgot who quote. but i searchd in internet its from Vince Lombardi.  its support me when i lost. when other said thats i m so bad. bad from anything. when i didnt get a good result. when i fell there is nothing a square deal. when i fell so stupid. when word isnt mine. when i fell i lost my plan.
hehehe ok in Indonesia artinya sekali kamu belajar untuk berputus asa lama-lama keputus asaan akan menjadi kebiasaan atau lama-lama kamu menjadi orang yang terus-menerus berputus asa.

ok i m joining give away from Langkah Kaki Kami Give Away... let join it with me.

sewing course information

ok i will share about sewing course at Tangerang. ok special about JULIANA JAYA.
cos its more important for people who interested in Indonesia, so i will write in Indonesia language, our  beloved language, Bahasa Indonesia.
ok yang pertama kursus Juliana Jaya ini banyak cabang terutama Jabodetabek.
info ini saya berikan buat yang Tinggal di Tangerang.

  1.  syarat peserta kursus: usia sudah cukup umur (13 tahun ke atas), bisa membaca dan menulis, menaati atura kursus
  2. kursus menjahit: 1. Tingkat dasar : 5xseminggu = 2 bulan selesai

                                   2. Tingkat terampil: 5xseminggu= 4 bulan selesai
                                   3. Tingkat mahir: 5xseminggu=4 bulan selesai
    3.meliputi pembelajaran:
        - cara mengambil ukuran badan
        - cara membuat pola
        - cara memotong kain
        -teori dan praktek membuat : blus, rok kebaya, merancang mode, mantelpak (jas) Pengantin, dan lain2,
ada program ujian negara (ujian menjahit DEPDIKNAS)

     4. waktu belajar boleh milih : yang ini flexsible lah , untuk info yang lebih jelas tanya langsung deh

     5. biaya kursus

untuk kelas dasar: 75.000 pendaftaran + 2.450.000 uang kursus = 2.525.000
klo bayar kontan cukup dengan 1.850.000
kamu bisa pilih gratis 4 kali kain prakter atau gratis alat jahit
untuk angsuran entar tanya aja ya cos males jelasinnya

untuk kelas terampil : 75000 pendaftaran + 2.450.000 uang kursus
discount sama ya kayak kelas dasar

untuk kelas tingkat mahir pendaftaran sama tapi biaya kursus 2.750.000

jadi klo kamu langsung ambil 3 kelas itu sekaligus  dan bayar kontan kamu cukup bayar 3.500.000
murah kan!!! untuk kamu yang tertarik coba deh cari2 lagi info nya. oke

untuk yang cabang cikokol tangerang ada di belakang Tangerang city

oke boleh tanya -tanya lagi klo belum jelas.
ohhhhhhhhhh i hope i will join it
why always some reason in front of me, so i should cancel again ,.. so sad

new scissors

in monday, i went to market. i love many kind of craft, but i need tool, i just can buy one by one. i also love paper craft. i hope some day , i can make my own card.
its my new scissors. i like the result at the paper. look it
and its the scissors

i saw 2 kind of scissors, one is like mine and other scissors is all plastic. oh i want collection more scissors. oh when i was child , i like to collect stamp, now i have found thing that i get my interest so much, ya craft . oh 

i will miss u

oh its my craft
so sad to leave them. for some time i will move to other place, i don't know it will be for long time or not. but i willnt leave my blog and my craft. in where i will stay , there is not enought conection for internet, i should go to internet cafe (warnet :) to geting good internet conection. i have flexi modem but its so slowly. hmmm hope my condition will be better. 

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

saturday craft

i like flower that from fabric. i made it last mouth ago. craft is therapy for my bad mood. now anything can increase my emotion. :( i want made bross .  


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