Senin, 02 April 2012

new thread scissor

hallo everybody
hallo sewing word

ok i started this is day with went to my sewing class. not so much students come. just 2 students. i finished 3 mini dress. so happy enjoying in it. after that went to market.
something made me annoyed. i would buy dacron or silicon . and they don't have plastic bag size for that is silicon. what service it? i should go to other shop that is why i need plastic bag. how can i bring 2 kilos silicon that is without cover. after that i canceled to buy that. and go to other shop. to buy some thing but when i m at home. ohhh it is more expensive.
lesson from that's: bring bag from home :)
my new thread scissor

hope it work better than old scissor
old thread scissor

bye-bye old thread scissor. actually my old scissor now become some parts. that's why leave it. cant using well. old scissor easy get loose. not recommended.
good night every body. have a nice dream. :)

3 komentar:

  1. emang dakronnya gak dijual dlm bentuk kemasan gitu Dit?

  2. dikemas mbak tapi dengan plastic seadanya kayak plastik bekas,

  3. anak design fashion suka bawa ginian di tasnya,,,


komen donk :)


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